What are the risks of taking abortion pills?

Abortion pills are very safe. As with any medication there are some potential risks. We will talk to you about these possible complications during your consultation.

If you feel worried about your recovery, or if you feel unwell call our 24-hour aftercare line on 0333 016 0400.

Serious complications have warning signs. If you have any of the symptoms listed below call our Aftercare Line straight away:

  • Flu-like symptoms such as a fever, high temperature and feeling shivery 24 hours after your abortion as this could be a sign of infection which can lead to sepsis if untreated.
  • Abdominal (tummy) pain or discomfort that is not helped by pain relief medication, or by using a heat pad.
  • Vaginal discharge that smells unpleasant.
  • Very heavy bleeding. Soaking through more than 2 heavy-flow sanitary towels an hour for 2 hours in a row.
  • No bleeding, or only spotting or scant bleeding 48 hours after taking Misoprostol tablets.
  • If you have pregnancy symptoms 2 weeks after the abortion.

Call 999 or ask your support person to phone for an ambulance immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Relatives concerned about mental status
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Acute deterioration in functional ability
  • Not passed urine in last 12-18 hours
  • Severe allergic reaction such as facial, mouth, throat swelling or breathing difficulties.
  • Extreme heavy bleeding (flooding). Soaking through heavy-flow sanitary towels every 5 – 10 minutes and passing blood clots larger than the size of your hand.
  • Worsening pain in one side of the lower tummy, under the ribs, or up to the shoulders. This might indicate an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy.

Find out more about Medical Abortion Aftercare.