Termination For Medical Reasons

Ending a Wanted Pregnancy

Ending a wanted pregnancy due to a serious condition or abnormality with your baby is extremely distressing.

Taking the time to talk with your doctor and family is incredibly important. It can also be difficult and distressing. We are dedicated to individual care, so no matter your reasons for considering an abortion we are here for you.

It’s normal to feel many emotions and worries. You might feel like you are alone. Please know, you are not alone. We will support you with your decision and throughout the process.

After Diagnosis

If the diagnosed condition can cause death or serious disability to your baby, you are likely to be offered an abortion. If the condition puts your life at risk, you will be offered an abortion.

You should not feel under pressure to end your pregnancy. Whatever the diagnosis, it is your decision. We will support you whatever decision you make.

We use the term abortion at NUPAS. Sometimes an abortion is called a termination of pregnancy. We understand that some people don’t like these terms to describe ending a wanted pregnancy. We use these words as medical terms only. Some people prefer to use TFMR (Termination for Medical Reasons). You may see the term TFMR on social media or in support groups.

Abortion Options

NUPAS specialise in abortion care, we provide,

  • Medical abortion up to 9 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy.
  • Surgical abortion up to 23 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy.

We can offer surgical abortion under general anaesthetic. This means you will be asleep during the procedure.  We have teams of dedicated Midwives, Nurses and Doctors providing your care.

Arranging Burial or Cremation

You may want to arrange a burial or cremation ceremony. You can take the pregnancy remains with you after a surgical abortion at NUPAS. If these are your wishes, please let us know during your consultation. Personal requests for the remains will be met wherever possible. You can ask to take the pregnancy remains with you after a surgical abortion at any gestation.

We place the remains in a water-tight box with a lid. You won’t be able to see the contents through the box. We can put you in touch with a funeral director to discuss your wishes. The funeral director can give you information about burial or cremation. You will usually need to cover the costs of funeral services.

You may not have specific wishes for the pregnancy remains. If this is the case, we will dispose of them in a respectful and sensitive way. We follow guidelines for cremation of remains from:

  • The Royal College of Nursing.
  • The Human Tissue Authority.

If You Need to Talk

ARC is a charity with many years’ experience. They support people after a prenatal diagnosis. They share information about practical and emotional issues you might face.

ARC also has a national helpline answered by trained staff.

Monday to Friday: 10.00am – 5.30pm

Tuesday and Thursday: 8pm – 10pm

You can also email info@arc-uk.org to arrange an evening call.

Other organisations which offer advice and support include:


You can self-refer for an abortion before 24 weeks of pregnancy. Call us to book a consultation.

Get in touch with NUPAS

Give us a call:

United Kingdom:
0333 004 6666

Republic of Ireland:
(01) 874 0097

0044 161 4872660

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